Sunday, May 15, 2011

ranking project - painting continued

Spent a lot of time looking into pinhole camera images and what they bring to the party wrt to standard camera based images and maybe how these differences could be used to inspire interesting views of objects.

Saw some work on the web in New York covering the key differences , in my opinion.

Use of pinhole cameras , gives the user almsot infinite depth of focus at the general cost of  significantly longer exposure times. (maybe not a 'cost or restriction' for many purposes. With a photographic paper 'negative' easy distortion of the resultant images is acheived by curving the receiving paper surface.

This exposure from Micheal Wesley shows the old MOMA building being demolished and the new one being built over an exposure time of some 34 months. Of course the proportional time of the completed new building and the rapidly demolished old building would be small and the overal sense is of change about a rigid skeleton due to fundamental beams / foundations of the building.

The easy manipulation of images , without photoshop can be shown in the following image from Michel Baryard of the Brooklyn Bridge, New york.

OK. So looks like fun. Built a simple camera from an old jigsaw box, capable of taking 8 x 10" photo paper before I discovered the availability of a custom-made wooden box from the photography dept.
Took a couple of days mesing around to get the feel for the exposure times and directionality, do's and dont's ...but ended up with some interesting images.

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