My target word is 'above'
Week 1 ...illustrate the meaning of the word by using typography alone.
Found this very tricky and took a couple of days to get into the project and realise fully what was allowed and what wasnt.
1st example....... ABOVE?
premise - ABOVE means nothing in space where there is no up or down and therefore no higher or lower....
Letters are floating in space in a true 3D sense with the letter O substituting for the sun or some other heavenly object. The typeface is consolas being unfussy and modern with the 3D depth on all other letters to reaffirm the fact that the O is different from the other letters. The addition of some stars in the background was pushing it a bit.
'Above ' the madness of everyday life....
Cool blue wave -like transcendental 'above'....floating elegantly above the chaos of texts,directions and colours of the masses below.
In the last of 3 submissions a jackboot was formed using the letters written and manipulated interms of height , distance above the x-axis and depth into the page. The red glow was used to hint at marxism and infer the forces of suppression of individual freedoms. The crowd below is made up of the word above in small text written many times upside down to create the resemblane to vast multitudes.
Shadow should have been done in the same manner but was added through semi-transparent shape with a linear gradient.
Overall, pretty happy though found this word difficult typographically as it is by definition a term relative to something else. If you cannot spell or show ...something else....then .....I for one struggle a bit.
Next week ...illustrative version of the same.
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