Monday, February 10, 2014

And so to fourth and final year!

January 2014

The eternal struggle for ideas and joined up thinking continues. When you abandon the idea of a pretty picture for its own sake....then the questioning and doubting never ends. Is it fun? Well only if someone else thinks what you are producing is fun.....whether their interpretation matches your desired message is largely and has always been irrelevant. Dats de way it wurkz.

Somewhat disconnected video of face (mine) reflecting the anguish of recent world events, the backdrop being the childs puzzle of decades past.

Set to a passage from the very appropriate 'Aladdin Sane' by David Bowie. Portrays individual trying to get to grips with the trauma of the world...pulling himself together ...only to be pulled apart by more of the same.

The above was something of a departure from my mainstream activity.

 Used microscopic camera and photoshop to good effect to translate a straight forward shot of skin / hair into something more spectacular and sci-fi. The theme was the 'spectacularisation' or 'fetishisation' of the small and banal into something extraordianry as is common practice in our consumerist society to sell products that nobody needs.

Has tones of attacking the modern self-obsession industry ,generated by the media portrayal of the unattanable ideal...whether it be skin, hair, body shape ......
OOA combination of these photoshop techniques and lots of 'trial' footage from the microscopic camera ,(very difficult to use wrt motion due to very short depth of field and rough uneven surface), led to the starter video shown below. Set to the tune of the Fairlight Pavillion from a great Texan group ....'And you will know us by the trail of the dead'...the video rocks along converting a very small journey across the human body (2 or 3 inches) into something more awe-inspiring. More work to be done to accentuate these notions further.

Photoshopped rendition of a still shot of the eye in oil paint on board....

Magnified, spectacularised, idolised - banal , mundane bits of the body that we all possess albeit shot from an abnormal perspective.

   60 cm x 130cm
  60cm x 80cm


Toes - FABULOUS !!!!
Fist - Magnificent!!
Palm - Stupendous !!

Palm of the hand.

40cm x 60cm

Other strange views of the 'banal' are spectacularised through photography, cropping and photoshop chicanery to produce 'take a second look' responses from the viewer. They recognise image but don't know why initially.

Realisation of a piece of skin via a heavily creased piece of plastic refuse sack ,stiffened and surface prepared with copious coatings of pva glue. Finally painted with vivid orange colour. As light direction in room changed the shadows moved around on the heavily contoured surface. Initially built a light box from led strings to mimic the light source moving around the periphery, creating a fixed pattern with moving shadows. At first used simple rotatuion via a manual rotary switch and 12 sections of led strip but moved on to electric motor driven switching. Could be magnificent if transferred obnto computer controlled switching which could be silent and matched to soundtracks, viewer movement etc etc.


Video of light motion box in action - 2 minutes of action second of which is roughly in time with the music ...purely as an indication of what could be achieved with computer controlled
of the led lights.