What can you do but smile.....
2 versions of the most disturbing element of the previous face-lifted woman. Pixellated to heighten the artificiality of the already overly emphatic smile. In a painting the best of smiles become leers and you have the whole thing of the smile looking fine from a distance but fragmenting into discrete squares on closer inspection.
Not finished above but you get the general drift. Looks good but the downside is it takes forever...........to do.
In addition to keep my little grey cells happy....I tried out glazing on a beautiful skull image from the web. The resultant giant skull was produced to which I added an ambiguous piece of text......funny,tragic.....you decide ...just try out a few guesses of who the skull could belong to.
Have looked at Borremans, Close, Currin,Kippenberger, Prince,Rauch....etc etc and admire some of their work. However, what is it that drives an artist to stick with one relatively narrow field of expression....for the rest of his working life. (sure, if you've done it well a couple of times....what's the point, where's the fun.) Pretty sure branding,self-advertising ...the filthy lucre in general is the answer....but hope to be pleasantly surprised. happy Xmas....Every...Anyone.
Oh, yeah...forgot cool video. You can enjoy this only at max volume.....
A musical passage from 'A Day in the Life' - Beatles accompanying a video on the continuous intrusion and disturbance from technology in our lives.
Youtube pulled the plug on this after my violation of copyright of Messrs Starr and McCartney. From my perspective this video is a re-appropriation of a fantastic piece of music which complements the ambition of the video , perfectly. Surely an act of reverence rather than an act of theft!